Sunday, May 31, 2009

hi everyone.

this is nia and caroline. and we are the vulcans (the vulcans hand gesture).
no, we're not obsessed with star trek and have never watched an episode of the show. the point was: we're from outer space.

so we first planned to make a youtube channel (you know, those homemade videos..). c (caroline) likes watching the community channel, a youtube channel with a really funny australian girl who simply talks about random stuff. sounds cool. so we thought, lets totally make one. uh, yeah. we live in different boroughs, plus, c is infamous for being camera-shy, i doubt videos won't have our faces permanently recorded and replayed with our voices squeaking out of the speakers. so yes. we discovered the existence of BLOGS! we spent just about 5 days trying to think of a name. we went from a wizard name to Epsilon Ursae Majoris.

but here we are! living long and prospering.

quick not-so-important-but-you-might-wanna-know-blob about us:
we like asians stuff, from muji pens to hot korean guys. we're asian. i'm indo(nesian) and c's korean. we're almost done with highschool, a year to go. we live in nyc and go to the same school. uh. i think that's all. well, we're cool.

enjoy reading our posts. it should be pretty random. but yes, bon appetite!
